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Megan Bickel Counseling


Phone (000) 000-0000
Address Georgetown, TX N/A United States


Megan Bickel Counseling, led by Megan Bickel, offers individual, marital, and family counseling with a Christian perspective.

About Megan:

Megan, a Licensed Professional Counselor since 2004, is dedicated to supporting her clients' well-being. She facilitates emotional and relational awareness, mental healing, and peace through talk therapy. Megan works with you to identify and clarify issues, explore options, develop strategies, and increase self-awareness.

As a licensed therapist with a background in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and EMDR therapy, Megan's role is to understand and accept every client while challenging thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that may be hurting or hindering them. She believes that true restoration requires a heart change and spiritual health. Contact Megan to book a session and start your journey towards healing.

Megan offers the following services:

- Individual Psychotherapy: Gain self-awareness and a more accurate perception of life situations to transform your outlook on yourself and others.

- Family & Marital Therapy: Find a path to peace for you, your spouse, and/or your family.

- Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor: Megan, licensed for 17 years, provides supervision for novice counselors, supporting their growth in the mental health field.


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